on Thu, 03 Jul 2008 17:35:45 +0000, LinTong wrote:

> hallo everybody
> I want to have a navigation menu which looks like:
> Homepage / Organisation / level3 / level 4 / currentlevel
> the typoscript:
> **********
> lib.topNav = HMENUlib.topNav.special = rootlinelib.topNav.special.range
> = 0lib.topNav.1 = TMENUlib.topNav.1 {        noBlur = 1       
> NO.linkWrap = | / |*||*| |        NO.stdWrap.htmlSpecialChars
> = 1        CUR = 1        CUR.allWrap = <span>|</span>       
> CUR.doNotLinkIt = 1}********** It works fine in IE but in firefox it
> have a strange problem. Homepage works fine.Organisation, level3, level4
> looks like a link but you can not click them.one can click the "O" of
> the Organisation but can not click the other letter of organisation.

Aside of incorrect (X)HTML-Syntax, maybe it is no tagging-problem but a 

try to use the firefox-webdeveloper-extension and then select: 
Outline -> Outline Current Element

which content is selected if you move your mouse over the links?

I previously got the same behavior as a floating div shove itself over 
the menu and no clicks go to the menu.

The solution is to change the CSS

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