On Jul 29, 2009, at 8:46 AM, Dmitry Dulepov wrote:

> Hi Ries!
> Ries van Twisk wrote:
>> The developer doesn't always have time and it's sometimes even very  
>> hard
>> to get in contact with them.
> You are absolutely correct and in most cases developers do not have  
> time. All correct. But you always can ask :)

Like the monkey who "try and see, repeat"??? ;)

>> I made a patch to a extensions a couple of times and more then  
>> often I
>> get nothign back or I get back 'Sorry I cannot bla bla bla, I am very
>> buzy.. bla bla bla but thank you'
>> Replies like that often put's me off to even bother to get in contact
>> with a developer nowdays.
> I can understand that. Nothing frustrates more than rejection in  
> this case.
>> Second,  I know there have been patched made for TV, but they where  
>> not
>> accepted because they where to big (go figure!)
> Correct. It happens because we must be able to:
> - understand what each change makes
> - revert each problematic change without affecting other changes
> TV is a complex module, therefore small patches help to fulfill both  
> points above and keep TV stable for everyoneš good :)

But doing such method of development can hold innovation ...
Not saying to just accept each patch, big or large... But there are  
sometimes exceptions that need to be looked at on a
case by case base.

The same goes currently for DBAl development , the development method  
currently in place is holding back Xavier 'innovations',
in these cases it should be looked at from a different angle (like  
other already saying...).

>> and they had to be broken up in little chunks to get accepted, as a
>> result nothing was done because the original developer
>> couldn't spend a other XXX days to brake up into little chucks and  
>> make
>> bug track entries (bug track should be made,
>> but sometimes it's not possible to break things up in little chucks  
>> of
>> code for various reasons.
> Mainly it happens because the developer did not do it from the  
> beginning, though developers are usually aware of the rules. If they  
> choose to ignore them, I can't really help :( There are useful  
> patches but I can't rsik the stability of TV.

> And I do not want to spend my own time to split a genious patch to  
> smaller patches (understandable, isn't it?) :)

You shouldn't, but you can for sure test it,... assuming you work with  
TV and have a couple of sites to test against.... (in a perfect world  
where monkey life right next to humans....)

This could also mean that maybe be how extensions are deployed  
currently is sub-optimal,
for example any extension on TER is released 'as is' and there is no  
way to get for example a

stable 1.5.0 version of TV
beta 1.6.0 version of TV
(version numbers are given by example)

This would allow people to test a beta version of an extension while  
other people can get a stable 'other' version.
Now it's just up to you to make sure it's stable and ready for  
release. (just a though.....)

>> Third, no core devs except Xavier is interested in Oracle by  
>> looking at
>> the number of reminders for Oracle support in DBAL,
>> who is going to test TV against oracle???
> As I said I was interested before to do this thing specifically for  
> TV. Right now my interest for TYPO3 is close to zero, so I am not  
> interested in doing major fixes to any extensions. I think most of  
> them will be eventually passed to other persons. But I *was*  
> interested to fix all TV and other extensions bugs a couple of  
> months ago. We could have it if anybody contacted me with this. It  
> did not happen.

Well, if you are not interested (I think you mentioned that before...)  
isn't it time to pass the extension to other people who are?


> -- 
> Dmitry Dulepov
> LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/dmitrydulepov
> Twitter: http://twitter.com/dmitryd
> Skype: liels_bugs
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                        regards, Ries van Twisk

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