Am 27.04.2011 15:04, schrieb PIT Solutions:
> Hi Jigal,
> We have 2 different servers using same typo3 version(typo3 4.2.17). Now both 
> are upgraded to typo3 4.4.7. The extension 'OpenID authentication (openid)'  
> is in required state in one server and in another server its not in the 
> required state. How can I remove the one in required state as the client 
> doesn’t need it? Thanks & Regards,                Sankar.V
> --- On Wed, 4/27/11, Jigal van Hemert <> wrote:

openID never was required by core. So check your localconf.php
carefully. Somewhere ['EXT']['requiredExt'] is setup to contain openid.


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