
I've been struggling now with innoDB's configuration on a virtual hosting 

Now the innoDB was configured poorly and the ibdata1 file raised up to 
enourmous size.

For solution I installed to TYPO3installations the extension ggforcemyisam that 
forces MyISAM tables in TYPO3 installation.
here is the main class:
class ux_t3lib_install extends t3lib_install {

         * Overwrite a set 'InnoDB' value with 'MyISAM'
         * Parent method does the actual work
         * @see t3lib_install::getFieldDefinitions_fileContent
         * @param string $fileContent
         * @return array
        public function getFieldDefinitions_fileContent($fileContent) {         
                $result = parent::getFieldDefinitions_fileContent($fileContent);
                foreach ($result as &$table) {
                        $table['extra']['ENGINE'] = 'MyISAM';
                return $result;

Now after innodb optimization (so that evry db uses its own innodb files) I 
would like to change back to default TYPO3 database configuration and I 
uninstalled the ggforcemyisam.

Now my install tool informs that some tables should be created, for example:

CREATE TABLE cache_hash ( id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, hash 
varchar(32) NOT NULL default '', content mediumblob, tstamp int(11) unsigned 
NOT NULL default '0', ident varchar(32) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (id), 
KEY hash (hash) ) ENGINE=InnoDB;

But even I hit the update button the tables don't get created.

Now when I go to phpMyAdmin I get error:

FROM `taito`.`cache_hash`

MySQL said:

#1033 - Incorrect information in file: './taito/cache_hash.frm'

So any idea, what should I do now? If you think this is a bigger issue and 
fixing it needs some financing, please contact me by email.

With kind regards

Katja Lampela

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