During upgrade procedure I've received some errors but, as it seems to
me, they are not so important. After upgrading I can login to BE and all
seems to work.

But when I navigate to any of my sites I see an error message:
"No pages are found on the rootlevel!"

Of course pages on root level are present because before upgrading all
works fine. When I've checked PGSQL log file I found the following query:
 SELECT * FROM "pages" WHERE   "pid" = 0 AND  "pages"."deleted" = 0 AND
 "pages"."hidden" = 0 AND  "pages"."starttime" <= 1316789940 AND
("pages"."endtime" = 0 OR  "pages"."endtime" > 1316789940) AND NOT
"pages"."t3ver_state" > 0 AND  "pages"."doktype" < 200 AND
("pages"."fe_group" = '' OR  "pages"."fe_group" IS NULL OR
"pages"."fe_group" = '0' OR   FIND_IN_SET('0', "pages"."fe_group") != 0
OR   FIND_IN_SET('-1', "pages"."fe_group") != 0) ORDER BY "sorting"

that executes with an error:
"function find_in_set(unknown, character varying) does not exist"

How can I fix this? Something went wrong during upgrade or TYPO3 4.5
just does not run with Postgres?

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