Am Sun, 09 Oct 2011 13:44:34 +0200 schrieb Urs Bräm:

> Hi
> I would like to be able to safely remove
> - all deleted pages from pages
> - all deleted content elements from tt_content (I guess if you delete a
> page in the BE, its content elements are set to deleted as well?)
> ... and start page uid auto incrementation again at the currently
> highest page uid is.
> What is the recommended way to do that (if there's any), maybe with the
> Extension cleaner?

I would recommend a t3d-export and an import into a new/clean installation 
_without_ [x] force uid
so. all your pages and contents get renumbered from 1, most references 
are corrected by TYPO3. 
Keep watch for uids in typoscript, css, javscript, ...

> Or could/should this als be done by hand in MySql?

if you want to mess it up, take this way (SCNR)

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