thanks for your response.

We have a FUDforum running already pretty fine. The big advantage is that it is in sync with news groups / mailing lists, which also seems to work very well.

We don't want to have a parallel structure and create just yet another forum - instead we want an easy-to-access interface for people reluctant to join mailing lists.

It would be great, if you and a few friends of you could take over that job. But I'd say we shouldn't use another software, as already a lot effort has been put into the current installation (and it really already works and looks *very* good).

Kind regards

Steffen Gebert
TYPO3 v4 Core Team Member
TYPO3 Server Administration Team Member

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Am 7/15/12 12:03 PM, schrieb PAM:
HI Stephen,
I think having a EN forum could be really interesting.
But I would need to know a bit more how you want to do it.

I 've been talking with Paul BLONDIEU at TYPO3 french uni in june about
open an EN section on http://forum.typo3-fr.org/. The forum use IP.Board

What do you think about this option ? It could be really time saving...


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