bernd wilke wrote:
Am Mon, 08 Oct 2012 10:34:20 +0200 schrieb Martin Bless:

Short and concise:
I watched the keynote of the T3CON. The reason(ing) I heard was: "We
want to simplify things for you. It's cheaper to print the logo on
t-shirts and so on with just one color. People would say TYPO3 is
'orange'". Did I miss an argument?

Here's what I think: We have a strong brand TYPO3 with a clear logo
since years. It is "orange and green". You would only touch ANYTHING of
a well established visual symbol (shape, color, Freiraum, ...) if you
really have GOOD reasons.

We had, I think.

The reasons given above are not *good* reasons
in that sense.

I agree. Didn't have time to help Robert enough.

TYPO3 has become a kid toy:
there is a big TV channel for kids which used orange since years for
their logo: nickelodeon

whoever wants to associate TYPO3 with nickelodeon should use the pure

is TYPO3 a kid toy or a serious ECMS?

I don't really think that argument is valid.

Just type "orange logos" in a google image search. You could say that about so many identities.


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