hi stefano,

>> the community voted for the people
>> to take those desicions. everybody is
>> free to vote for other people next time.
> Do you have an other understanding of the community?
> If you mean this in context of T3A, then this is wrong because only
> member of the T3A are able to vote the board members.

you are right: the T3A members voted (not the community). but that's ok,
isn't it?

> If you mean this in context of Marketing / Rebranding Team, its also
> wrong because nobody elect the team.

kian wrote in an comment on typo3-blogger.de that the disicion to make the
changes was taken by EAB, board members and core teams of TYPO3 and Neos.

--- quote ---
Es wurde hier kein Alleingang von irgendjemandem gemacht und die
Entscheidung ist durch alle Gremien (gewählte und ernannte) gegangen, das
heißt die Core Teams von TYPO3 und Neos, dem EAB, Board usw.
--- /quote ---

> So the questions pops up: "Who is able to take such an decision and why?"

see above.

kind regards.

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