On 02/12/2013 03:45 PM, Mitja wrote:
> Hi!
> It would be a great idea to have some kind of "repo" for Typoscript
> snippets. Researching a bit I came to the idea that GIST of Github could
> be a cool provider for those since it enables version control and has
> different APIs ( I use Sublime Text & GISTs).
> The problem though, is that Typoscript is not available as a
> "programming" language to select as file type. So in order to add the
> Typoscript syntax onto Github Gist we would first need to add it to
> Pygments.( http://pygments.org/languages/ ) .
> Since I dont know much about language syntax definition I'd like to know
> if maybe someone could help about this.

You might want to have a look at what is currently used in the t3editor
(backend) for the syntax-highlighting. Maybe that gives an idea of the
(valid) syntax in TypoScript.

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