Am 05.04.2013 17:32, schrieb Jan Bednarik:

I need to add mongolian language to a TYPO3 website. Since there is no
support for it, then when I set "mn" as config language, extensions
(e.g. indexed search) will be in english. That is fine so far.

However, I'd like to give administrators the ability to translate
whatever they like using llxmltranslate extension. So I wonder whether
it's possible to add this language to the list of languages so it'd be
then picked by any extension when translated.




do you need the translation in backend or frontend (extensions / contents) or both?.

for frontend only there is no need to do core changes.

Add a new website language in your tree root in backend.
and just make sure to add following in your ts setup:

config {

        # your website language id: for example '2'
        sys_language_uid = 2
        # use the official language string here
        # (not required but recommended)
        language = mn
        # check your server languages, just an example
        locale_all = en_US.utf8

now you can add the xml files in l10n folders manually:

or use llxmltranslate or snowbabel to translate your files via "GUI".

for backend you have to modify the core as dmitry already mentioned.
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