
Second thing: Usually having two login boxes on the same page  does not work 
quite well.
Especially when rsaauth is in use, see http://forge.typo3.org/issues/24877

subparts.login_footer < plugin.tx_felogin_pi1
1. Be sure that you have defined the correct storageFolder in the extension setup.

plugin.tx_felogin_pi1.storagePid = your-feusers-storage-pid

2. Be sure to configure this *before* copying to subparts.login_footer!

3. You can hide the subpart on your "login" page as follows (not tested):

subparts.login_footer.stdWrap.if {
    value = your-login-page-uid
    equals.data = page:uid
    negate = 1

.. or alternatively with a ts condition.

Hope this helps

Regards, Christian
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