Hi Olivier and Nicola,

The OS is Redhat and I admit I don't know which NFS version (I can't access all systems myself). PHP is 5.3.14.

We've been using TYPO3 4.5 and 4.6. With 4.6 we experienced many problems with the locking files. Locking method 'simple' was terrible, 'flock' reasonable but still not 100%. I would have preferred to use the 'semaphore' method but that flooded the syslog with warnings.

We've actually downgraded to 4.5 and the situation is much better now, but I'm still not 100% confident that it's all safe now.

Your suggestion to avoid temp dirs on NFS is useful. I discuss with the hoster what we can achieve there.

Any suggestions what to with the temp_CACHED* files, since typo3conf will probably stay on NFS? AFAIK there is no cacheConfiguration in the caching framework for that, or is there? I'll also check if disabling configuration cache entirely would incur a big performance penalty.

Thanks so far!

On 13-05-14 14:56, Olivier Dobberkau wrote:
Am 13.05.14 12:30, schrieb Loek Hilgersom:

Except for a few remarks here and there, and an occasional bugfix
related to NFS, I have not found much information about TYPO3 and NFS.
Is TYPO3 supposed to work fine on NFS? What are the experiences? Do you
use any specific configuration to deal with NFS?

Hi Loek,

Which TYPO3 CMS are talking about?
Which PHP version?
Which NFS on which OS?

We have experienced many problems with fopen (lock) operations with TYPO3 CMS
4.5 using DAM.

My opinion: avoid to put temp directories on NFS and go for some other strategy
such as REDIS / Memcached caching.

Best greetings,

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