On 18:11 Wed 09 Jul     , Detlev Zundel wrote:
> Hi Magnus and Jens,
> >> Basically, I agree. But would you accept the current patch for now? The new
> >> routines and macros later could be implemented later.
> >
> > I don't think it's up to me to ACK or NAK this, but I can accept the
> > current patch.
> Yes, this decision is up to the custodian.  But lets be honest here, we
> all know what "we can implement this later" means.  
> We really need to fix problems as they arise.  Especially in this case I
> don't think that it is such a significant effort to fix it now.  Fixing
> it later will only need even more effort.  
> Usually this effort(t-[detection time]) is an exponential function and I
> am not kidding on this.

I fully agree with you.

We need to fix this and not use a workaround which will became the
status quo.

Best Regards,

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