Robin Getz sez,

> This is in no way trying to interperate the GPL3 for others (that is for 
> lawyers to do) - but just a question from an interested developer - to me - 
> it seems like tivo all over again. All Tivo needs to do is just make the 
> network a piece of their application - and they have an out...

I have an example using gambling machines.  Say I have a friend 
Don Drakulich who runs a small peep show empire and has bought
a five hundred slot machines from a defunct Los Vegas Casino. 
Don Drakulich thinks of himself as and honest businessman, meaning
he has free and clear title to these machines having bought them at
an auction.  And why he plans on repurposing them as adult video
peep show consoles.

They're perfect being based on slightly modified open source dev board
running Linux. But however they have 'secure boot' so he can't modify
the software so that they can legally be used in his peep show booths.

But then again because his software developer has contacts with a
board assembly house, he is able to get the secure boot processors
replaced at a mere cost of $20 per unit or $10,000 for the lot.  No big

So it sounds to me that secure boot has merely annoyed honset guys
like Don.  And not even slowed down the Serbian Mafia because they 
have a couple of their software guys working for a slot machine 

But you're made it hard for someone who casually comes into 
possession  of a slot machine to re-purpose it as say a video jukebox.

Also if anyone is still reading at this point I'll say this having worked on
industrial controls that can both kill people or cause expensive damage
to machines, equipment and product.  The general trend is that the safety 
monitoring system must be separate from the command and control system.

IE, the PLC can try to turn on the $100,000 vacuum pump when the oil level 
is too low, but the safety interlock won't let the pump turn on.  That's the 
world I come out of and it's why I find all of the GPL-V3 will negative impact
product safety arguements lacking.  And why I can assure you that none 
of the people involved in those industries care about the GPL.

And I'll say this, if you are primarily relying on a piece of software to 
injury or death you really need to rethink what you are doing.  For a good
example of what can happen one can view this US Chemical Safety Board
report on a accident that occurred at at facility involving controls that I 
personally worked on.

Matt Harper.
Tehama Wireless.
U-Boot mailing list

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