> Access to a network may be denied when the modification itself materially
    > and adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules
    > and protocols for communication across the network.

    The way I read that is that it is the unit you are on will have it's radio 

I think you have misinterpreted those words.  Denying a user or a
machine access to a network means cutting off communication in the
network, not altering the machine.

This clause is not an exception to the requirement for installation
information.  Cell phones must offer installation information just like
other User Products.

This clause says that, if a phone network operator sells you a phone
with GPLv3-covered code, it does not thereby promise to continue
trying providing service to the phone if your changes cause it not
violate protocols and mess up network service.  The operator is
allowed to cut off service for this phone as it would any other
malfunctioning phone.
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