Dear Nishanth Menon,
> Having a loop with a counter is no timing guarentee for timing
> accuracy or compiler optimizations. For e.g. the same loop counter
> which runs when the MPU is running at 600MHz will timeout in around
> half the time when running at 1GHz. or the example where GCC 4.5
> compiles with different optimization compared to GCC 4.4.
> use a udelay(10) to ensure we have a predictable delay.
> use an emperical number - 100000 uSec ~= 1sec for a worst case timeout.
> This should never happen, and is adequate imaginary condition for us
> to fail with timeout.

In such cases I prefer to use:

        uint64_t etime;
        etime = get_ticks() + get_tbclk(); /* 1 second */
        do {
                udelay (xx);
        } while (condition && get_ticks() <= etime);

That is far more accurate than calling udelay() 100000 times.
(depending on implementation and granularity udelay of a few usecs
might be rounded significantly)
You can still call udelay inside the loop if you don't want
to poll the condition too tightly...

Best Regards,
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