On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 03:15:53PM +0100, Daniel Hobi wrote:
> Did you locally fix arch/arm/cpu/arm926ejs/kirkwood/timer.c to not
> access uninitialized data (variables timestamp and lastdec) before
> relocation?

I didn't before, but now I have made that change (moved the static
vars in timer.c to global_data and reference them via gd).  But I get
the same behavior (freezing after printing "NAND: ").

Then I rebuilt my branch with the partial-linking patch applied, but
rebased on today's master, and now that fails in the same way.

So there's some low-level thing going on that unrelated changes in the
source code or build process seem to trigger.  Different link order,
code placement, phase of moon, ...?

I have a JTAG setup, but so far I've only used it to re-load u-boot to
RAM after a flashing a bad image.  If anyone can give me a clue how to
use it with gdb to debug what's going on, please let me know.

Eric Cooper             e c c @ c m u . e d u
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