Binman requires various tools to actually work, such as 'lz4' to compress
data and 'futility' to sign Chrome OS firmware. At present these are
handled in an ad-hoc manner and there is no easy way to find out what
tools are needd to build an image, nor where to obtain them.

Add an implementation of 'bintool', a base class which implements this
functionality. When a bintool is required, it can be requested from this
module, then executed. When the tool is missing, it can provide a way to
obtain it.

Note that this uses Command directly, not the tools.Run() function. This
allows proper handling of missing tools and avoids needing to catch and
re-raise exceptions.

Signed-off-by: Simon Glass <>

(no changes since v1)

 tools/binman/ | 421 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 421 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 tools/binman/

diff --git a/tools/binman/ b/tools/binman/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..34102dafa2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/binman/
@@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
+# Copyright 2022 Google LLC
+"""Base class for all bintools
+This defines the common functionality for all bintools, including running
+the tool, checking its version and fetching it if needed.
+import collections
+import glob
+import importlib
+import multiprocessing
+import os
+import shutil
+import tempfile
+import urllib.error
+from patman import command
+from patman import terminal
+from patman import tools
+from patman import tout
+BINMAN_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
+# Format string for listing bintools, see also the header in list_all()
+FORMAT = '%-16.16s %-12.12s %-26.26s %s'
+# List of known modules, to avoid importing the module multiple times
+modules = {}
+# Possible ways of fetching a tool (FETCH_COUNT is number of ways)
+    FETCH_ANY: 'any method',
+    FETCH_BIN: 'binary download',
+    FETCH_BUILD: 'build from source'
+    }
+# Status of tool fetching
+DOWNLOAD_DESTDIR = os.path.join(os.getenv('HOME'), 'bin')
+class Bintool:
+    """Tool which operates on binaries to help produce entry contents
+    This is the base class for all bintools
+    """
+    # List of bintools to regard as missing
+    missing_list = []
+    def __init__(self, name, desc):
+ = name
+        self.desc = desc
+    @staticmethod
+    def find_bintool_class(btype):
+        """Look up the bintool class for bintool
+        Args:
+            byte: Bintool to use, e.g. 'mkimage'
+        Returns:
+            The bintool class object if found, else a tuple:
+                module name that could not be found
+                exception received
+        """
+        # Convert something like 'u-boot' to 'u_boot' since we are only
+        # interested in the type.
+        module_name = btype.replace('-', '_')
+        module = modules.get(module_name)
+        # Import the module if we have not already done so
+        if not module:
+            try:
+                module = importlib.import_module('binman.btool.' + module_name)
+            except ImportError as exc:
+                return module_name, exc
+            modules[module_name] = module
+        # Look up the expected class name
+        return getattr(module, 'Bintool%s' % module_name)
+    @staticmethod
+    def create(name):
+        """Create a new bintool object
+        Args:
+            name (str): Bintool to create, e.g. 'mkimage'
+        Returns:
+            A new object of the correct type (a subclass of Binutil)
+        """
+        cls = Bintool.find_bintool_class(name)
+        if isinstance(cls, tuple):
+            raise ValueError("Cannot import bintool module '%s': %s" % cls)
+        # Call its constructor to get the object we want.
+        obj = cls(name)
+        return obj
+    def show(self):
+        """Show a line of information about a bintool"""
+        if self.is_present():
+            version = self.version()
+        else:
+            version = '-'
+        print(FORMAT % (, version, self.desc,
+                        self.get_path() or '(not found)'))
+    @classmethod
+    def set_missing_list(cls, missing_list):
+        cls.missing_list = missing_list or []
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_tool_list(include_testing=False):
+        """Get a list of the known tools
+        Returns:
+            list of str: names of all tools known to binman
+        """
+        files = glob.glob(os.path.join(BINMAN_DIR, 'btool/*'))
+        names = [os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fname))[0]
+                 for fname in files]
+        names = [name for name in names if name[0] != '_']
+        if include_testing:
+            names.append('_testing')
+        return sorted(names)
+    @staticmethod
+    def list_all():
+        """List all the bintools known to binman"""
+        names = Bintool.get_tool_list()
+        print(FORMAT % ('Name', 'Version', 'Description', 'Path'))
+        print(FORMAT % ('-' * 15,'-' * 11, '-' * 25, '-' * 30))
+        for name in names:
+            btool = Bintool.create(name)
+    def is_present(self):
+        """Check if a bintool is available on the system
+        Returns:
+            bool: True if available, False if not
+        """
+        if in self.missing_list:
+            return False
+        return bool(self.get_path())
+    def get_path(self):
+        """Get the path of a bintool
+        Returns:
+            str: Path to the tool, if available, else None
+        """
+        return tools.tool_find(
+    def fetch_tool(self, method, col, skip_present):
+        """Fetch a single tool
+        Args:
+            method (FETCH_...): Method to use
+            col (terminal.Color): Color terminal object
+            skip_present (boo;): Skip fetching if it is already present
+        Returns:
+            int: Result of fetch either FETCHED, FAIL, PRESENT
+        """
+        def try_fetch(meth):
+            res = None
+            try:
+                res = self.fetch(meth)
+            except urllib.error.URLError as uerr:
+                message = uerr.reason
+                print(col.Color(col.RED, f'- {message}'))
+            except ValueError as exc:
+                print(f'Exception: {exc}')
+            return res
+        if skip_present and self.is_present():
+            return PRESENT
+        print(col.Color(col.YELLOW, 'Fetch: %s' %
+        if method == FETCH_ANY:
+            for try_method in range(1, FETCH_COUNT):
+                print(f'- trying method: {FETCH_NAMES[try_method]}')
+                result = try_fetch(try_method)
+                if result:
+                    break
+        else:
+            result = try_fetch(method)
+        if not result:
+            return FAIL
+        if result is not True:
+            fname, tmpdir = result
+            dest = os.path.join(DOWNLOAD_DESTDIR,
+            print(f"- writing to '{dest}'")
+            shutil.move(fname, dest)
+            if tmpdir:
+                shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
+        return FETCHED
+    @staticmethod
+    def fetch_tools(method, names_to_fetch):
+        """Fetch bintools from a suitable place
+        This fetches or builds the requested bintools so that they can be used
+        by binman
+        Args:
+            names_to_fetch (list of str): names of bintools to fetch
+        Returns:
+            True on success, False on failure
+        """
+        def show_status(color, prompt, names):
+            print(col.Color(
+                color, f'{prompt}:%s{len(names):2}: %s' %
+                (' ' * (16 - len(prompt)), ' '.join(names))))
+        col = terminal.Color()
+        skip_present = False
+        name_list = names_to_fetch
+        if len(names_to_fetch) == 1 and names_to_fetch[0] in ['all', 
+            name_list = Bintool.get_tool_list()
+            if names_to_fetch[0] == 'missing':
+                skip_present = True
+            print(col.Color(col.YELLOW,
+                            'Fetching tools:      %s' % ' '.join(name_list)))
+        status = collections.defaultdict(list)
+        for name in name_list:
+            btool = Bintool.create(name)
+            result = btool.fetch_tool(method, col, skip_present)
+            status[result].append(name)
+            if result == FAIL:
+                if method == FETCH_ANY:
+                    print('- failed to fetch with all methods')
+                else:
+                    print(f"- method '{FETCH_NAMES[method]}' is not supported")
+        if len(name_list) > 1:
+            if skip_present:
+                show_status(col.GREEN, 'Already present', status[PRESENT])
+            show_status(col.GREEN, 'Tools fetched', status[FETCHED])
+            if status[FAIL]:
+                show_status(col.RED, 'Failures', status[FAIL])
+        return not status[FAIL]
+    def run_cmd_result(self, *args, binary=False, raise_on_error=True):
+        """Run the bintool using command-line arguments
+        Args:
+            args (list of str): Arguments to provide, in addition to the 
+                name
+            binary (bool): True to return output as bytes instead of str
+            raise_on_error (bool): True to raise a ValueError exception if the
+                tool returns a non-zero return code
+        Returns:
+            CommandResult: Resulting output from the bintool, or None if the
+                tool is not present
+        """
+        if in self.missing_list:
+            return None
+        name = os.path.expanduser(  # Expand paths containing ~
+        all_args = (name,) + args
+        env = tools.get_env_with_path()
+        tout.Detail(f"bintool: {' '.join(all_args)}")
+        result = command.RunPipe(
+            [all_args], capture=True, capture_stderr=True, env=env,
+            raise_on_error=False, binary=binary)
+        if result.return_code:
+            # Return None if the tool was not found. In this case there is no
+            # output from the tool and it does not appear on the path. We still
+            # try to run it (as above) since RunPipe() allows faking the tool's
+            # output
+            if not any([result.stdout, result.stderr, tools.tool_find(name)]):
+                tout.Info(f"bintool '{name}' not found")
+                return None
+            if raise_on_error:
+                tout.Info(f"bintool '{name}' failed")
+                raise ValueError("Error %d running '%s': %s" %
+                                (result.return_code, ' '.join(all_args),
+                                result.stderr or result.stdout))
+        if result.stdout:
+            tout.Debug(result.stdout)
+        if result.stderr:
+            tout.Debug(result.stderr)
+        return result
+    def run_cmd(self, *args, binary=False):
+        """Run the bintool using command-line arguments
+        Args:
+            args (list of str): Arguments to provide, in addition to the 
+                name
+            binary (bool): True to return output as bytes instead of str
+        Returns:
+            str or bytes: Resulting stdout from the bintool
+        """
+        result = self.run_cmd_result(*args, binary=binary)
+        if result:
+            return result.stdout
+    @classmethod
+    def build_from_git(cls, git_repo, make_target, bintool_path):
+        """Build a bintool from a git repo
+        This clones the repo in a temporary directory, builds it with 'make',
+        then returns the filename of the resulting executable bintool
+        Args:
+            git_repo (str): URL of git repo
+            make_target (str): Target to pass to 'make' to build the tool
+            bintool_path (str): Relative path of the tool in the repo, after
+                build is complete
+        Returns:
+            tuple:
+                str: Filename of fetched file to copy to a suitable directory
+                str: Name of temp directory to remove, or None
+            or None on error
+        """
+        tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='binmanf.')
+        print(f"- clone git repo '{git_repo}' to '{tmpdir}'")
+        tools.Run('git', 'clone', '--depth', '1', git_repo, tmpdir)
+        print(f"- build target '{make_target}'")
+        tools.Run('make', '-C', tmpdir, '-j', f'{multiprocessing.cpu_count()}',
+                  make_target)
+        fname = os.path.join(tmpdir, bintool_path)
+        if not os.path.exists(fname):
+            print(f"- File '{fname}' was not produced")
+            return None
+        return fname, tmpdir
+    @classmethod
+    def fetch_from_url(cls, url):
+        """Fetch a bintool from a URL
+        Args:
+            url (str): URL to fetch from
+        Returns:
+            tuple:
+                str: Filename of fetched file to copy to a suitable directory
+                str: Name of temp directory to remove, or None
+        """
+        fname, tmpdir = tools.Download(url)
+        tools.Run('chmod', 'a+x', fname)
+        return fname, tmpdir
+    @classmethod
+    def fetch_from_drive(cls, drive_id):
+        """Fetch a bintool from Google drive
+        Args:
+            drive_id (str): ID of file to fetch. For a URL of the form
+            '' the value
+            passed here should be 'xxx'
+        Returns:
+            tuple:
+                str: Filename of fetched file to copy to a suitable directory
+                str: Name of temp directory to remove, or None
+        """
+        url = f'{drive_id}'
+        return cls.fetch_from_url(url)
+    @classmethod
+    def apt_install(cls, package):
+        """Install a bintool using the 'aot' tool
+        This requires use of servo so may request a password
+        Args:
+            package (str): Name of package to install
+        Returns:
+            True, assuming it completes without error
+        """
+        args = ['sudo', 'apt', 'install', '-y', package]
+        print('- %s' % ' '.join(args))
+        tools.Run(*args)
+        return True
+    # pylint: disable=W0613
+    def fetch(self, method):
+        """Fetch handler for a bintool
+        This should be implemented by the base class
+        Args:
+            method (FETCH_...): Method to use
+        Returns:
+            tuple:
+                str: Filename of fetched file to copy to a suitable directory
+                str: Name of temp directory to remove, or None
+            or True if the file was fetched and already installed
+            or None if no fetch() implementation is available
+        Raises:
+            Valuerror: Fetching could not be completed
+        """
+        print(f"No method to fetch bintool '{}'")
+        return False
+    # pylint: disable=R0201
+    def version(self):
+        """Version handler for a bintool
+        This should be implemented by the base class
+        Returns:
+            str: Version string for this bintool
+        """
+        return 'unknown'

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