Add tests to cover the bintool functionality.

Signed-off-by: Simon Glass <>

(no changes since v1)

 tools/binman/   | 353 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tools/binman/btool/ |  36 ++++
 2 files changed, 389 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 tools/binman/
 create mode 100644 tools/binman/btool/

diff --git a/tools/binman/ b/tools/binman/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3d6bcdab9d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/binman/
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
+# Copyright 2022 Google LLC
+# Written by Simon Glass <>
+"""Tests for the Bintool class"""
+import collections
+import os
+import shutil
+import tempfile
+import unittest
+import unittest.mock
+import urllib.error
+from binman import bintool
+from binman.bintool import Bintool
+from patman import command
+from patman import terminal
+from patman import test_util
+from patman import tools
+# pylint: disable=R0904
+class TestBintool(unittest.TestCase):
+    """Tests for the Bintool class"""
+    def setUp(self):
+        # Create a temporary directory for test files
+        self._indir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='bintool.')
+        self.seq = None
+        self.count = None
+        self.fname = None
+        self.btools = None
+    def tearDown(self):
+        """Remove the temporary input directory and its contents"""
+        if self._indir:
+            shutil.rmtree(self._indir)
+        self._indir = None
+    def test_missing_btype(self):
+        """Test that unknown bintool types are detected"""
+        with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as exc:
+            Bintool.create('missing')
+        self.assertIn("No module named 'binman.btool.missing'",
+                      str(exc.exception))
+    def test_fresh_bintool(self):
+        """Check that the _testing bintool is not cached"""
+        btest = Bintool.create('_testing')
+        btest.present = True
+        btest2 = Bintool.create('_testing')
+        self.assertFalse(btest2.present)
+    def test_version(self):
+        """Check handling of a tool being present or absent"""
+        btest = Bintool.create('_testing')
+        with test_util.capture_sys_output() as (stdout, _):
+        self.assertFalse(btest.is_present())
+        self.assertIn('-', stdout.getvalue())
+        btest.present = True
+        self.assertTrue(btest.is_present())
+        self.assertEqual('123', btest.version())
+        with test_util.capture_sys_output() as (stdout, _):
+        self.assertIn('123', stdout.getvalue())
+    def test_fetch_present(self):
+        """Test fetching of a tool"""
+        btest = Bintool.create('_testing')
+        btest.present = True
+        col = terminal.Color()
+        self.assertEqual(bintool.PRESENT,
+                         btest.fetch_tool(bintool.FETCH_ANY, col, True))
+    @classmethod
+    def check_fetch_url(cls, fake_download, method):
+        """Check the output from fetching a tool
+        Args:
+            fake_download (function): Function to call instead of
+                tools.Download()
+            method (bintool.FETCH_...: Fetch method to use
+        Returns:
+            str: Contents of stdout
+        """
+        btest = Bintool.create('_testing')
+        col = terminal.Color()
+        with unittest.mock.patch.object(tools, 'Download',
+                                        side_effect=fake_download):
+            with test_util.capture_sys_output() as (stdout, _):
+                btest.fetch_tool(method, col, False)
+        return stdout.getvalue()
+    def test_fetch_url_err(self):
+        """Test an error while fetching a tool from a URL"""
+        def fail_download(url):
+            """Take the tools.Download() function by raising an exception"""
+            raise urllib.error.URLError('my error')
+        stdout = self.check_fetch_url(fail_download, bintool.FETCH_ANY)
+        self.assertIn('my error', stdout)
+    def test_fetch_url_exception(self):
+        """Test an exception while fetching a tool from a URL"""
+        def cause_exc(url):
+            raise ValueError('exc error')
+        stdout = self.check_fetch_url(cause_exc, bintool.FETCH_ANY)
+        self.assertIn('exc error', stdout)
+    def test_fetch_method(self):
+        """Test fetching using a particular method"""
+        def fail_download(url):
+            """Take the tools.Download() function by raising an exception"""
+            raise urllib.error.URLError('my error')
+        stdout = self.check_fetch_url(fail_download, bintool.FETCH_BIN)
+        self.assertIn('my error', stdout)
+    def test_fetch_pass_fail(self):
+        """Test fetching multiple tools with some passing and some failing"""
+        def handle_download(_):
+            """Take the tools.Download() function by writing a file"""
+            if self.seq:
+                raise urllib.error.URLError('not found')
+            self.seq += 1
+            tools.WriteFile(fname, expected)
+            return fname, dirname
+        expected = b'this is a test'
+        dirname = os.path.join(self._indir, 'download_dir')
+        os.mkdir(dirname)
+        fname = os.path.join(dirname, 'downloaded')
+        destdir = os.path.join(self._indir, 'dest_dir')
+        os.mkdir(destdir)
+        dest_fname = os.path.join(destdir, '_testing')
+        self.seq = 0
+        with unittest.mock.patch.object(bintool, 'DOWNLOAD_DESTDIR', destdir):
+            with unittest.mock.patch.object(tools, 'Download',
+                                            side_effect=handle_download):
+                with test_util.capture_sys_output() as (stdout, _):
+                    Bintool.fetch_tools(bintool.FETCH_ANY, ['_testing'] * 2)
+        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(dest_fname))
+        data = tools.ReadFile(dest_fname)
+        self.assertEqual(expected, data)
+        lines = stdout.getvalue().splitlines()
+        self.assertTrue(len(lines) > 2)
+        self.assertEqual('Tools fetched:    1: _testing', lines[-2])
+        self.assertEqual('Failures:         1: _testing', lines[-1])
+    def test_tool_list(self):
+        """Test listing available tools"""
+        self.assertGreater(len(Bintool.get_tool_list()), 3)
+    def check_fetch_all(self, method):
+        """Helper to check the operation of fetching all tools"""
+        # pylint: disable=W0613
+        def fake_fetch(method, col, skip_present):
+            """Fakes the Binutils.fetch() function
+            Returns FETCHED and FAIL on alternate calls
+            """
+            self.seq += 1
+            result = bintool.FETCHED if self.seq & 1 else bintool.FAIL
+            self.count[result] += 1
+            return result
+        self.seq = 0
+        self.count = collections.defaultdict(int)
+        with unittest.mock.patch.object(bintool.Bintool, 'fetch_tool',
+                                        side_effect=fake_fetch):
+            with test_util.capture_sys_output() as (stdout, _):
+                Bintool.fetch_tools(method, ['all'])
+        lines = stdout.getvalue().splitlines()
+        self.assertIn(f'{self.count[bintool.FETCHED]}: ', lines[-2])
+        self.assertIn(f'{self.count[bintool.FAIL]}: ', lines[-1])
+    def test_fetch_all(self):
+        """Test fetching all tools"""
+        self.check_fetch_all(bintool.FETCH_ANY)
+    def test_fetch_all_specific(self):
+        """Test fetching all tools with a specific method"""
+        self.check_fetch_all(bintool.FETCH_BIN)
+    def test_fetch_missing(self):
+        """Test fetching missing tools"""
+        # pylint: disable=W0613
+        def fake_fetch2(method, col, skip_present):
+            """Fakes the Binutils.fetch() function
+            Returns PRESENT only for the '_testing' bintool
+            """
+            btool = list(self.btools.values())[self.seq]
+            self.seq += 1
+            print('fetch',
+            if == '_testing':
+                return bintool.PRESENT
+            return bintool.FETCHED
+        # Preload a list of tools to return when get_tool_list() and create()
+        # are called
+        all_tools = Bintool.get_tool_list(True)
+        self.btools = collections.OrderedDict()
+        for name in all_tools:
+            self.btools[name] = Bintool.create(name)
+        self.seq = 0
+        with unittest.mock.patch.object(bintool.Bintool, 'fetch_tool',
+                                        side_effect=fake_fetch2):
+            with unittest.mock.patch.object(bintool.Bintool,
+                                            'get_tool_list',
+                                            side_effect=[all_tools]):
+                with unittest.mock.patch.object(bintool.Bintool, 'create',
+                    with test_util.capture_sys_output() as (stdout, _):
+                        Bintool.fetch_tools(bintool.FETCH_ANY, ['missing'])
+        lines = stdout.getvalue().splitlines()
+        num_tools = len(self.btools)
+        fetched = [line for line in lines if 'Tools fetched:' in line].pop()
+        present = [line for line in lines if 'Already present:' in line].pop()
+        self.assertIn(f'{num_tools - 1}: ', fetched)
+        self.assertIn('1: ', present)
+    def check_build_method(self, write_file):
+        """Check the output from fetching using the BUILD method
+        Args:
+            write_file (bool): True to write the output file when 'make' is
+                called
+        Returns:
+            tuple:
+                str: Filename of written file (or missing 'make' output)
+                str: Contents of stdout
+        """
+        def fake_run(*cmd):
+            if cmd[0] == 'make':
+                # See Bintool.build_from_git()
+                tmpdir = cmd[2]
+                self.fname = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'pathname')
+                if write_file:
+                    tools.WriteFile(self.fname, b'hello')
+        btest = Bintool.create('_testing')
+        col = terminal.Color()
+        self.fname = None
+        with unittest.mock.patch.object(bintool, 'DOWNLOAD_DESTDIR',
+                                        self._indir):
+            with unittest.mock.patch.object(tools, 'Run', 
+                with test_util.capture_sys_output() as (stdout, _):
+                    btest.fetch_tool(bintool.FETCH_BUILD, col, False)
+        fname = os.path.join(self._indir, '_testing')
+        return fname if write_file else self.fname, stdout.getvalue()
+    def test_build_method(self):
+        """Test fetching using the build method"""
+        fname, stdout = self.check_build_method(write_file=True)
+        self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(fname))
+        self.assertIn(f"writing to '{fname}", stdout)
+    def test_build_method_fail(self):
+        """Test fetching using the build method when no file is produced"""
+        fname, stdout = self.check_build_method(write_file=False)
+        self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(fname))
+        self.assertIn(f"File '{fname}' was not produced", stdout)
+    def test_install(self):
+        """Test fetching using the install method"""
+        btest = Bintool.create('_testing')
+        btest.install = True
+        col = terminal.Color()
+        with unittest.mock.patch.object(tools, 'Run', return_value=None):
+            with test_util.capture_sys_output() as _:
+                result = btest.fetch_tool(bintool.FETCH_BIN, col, False)
+        self.assertEqual(bintool.FETCHED, result)
+    def test_no_fetch(self):
+        """Test fetching when there is no method"""
+        btest = Bintool.create('_testing')
+        btest.disable = True
+        col = terminal.Color()
+        with test_util.capture_sys_output() as _:
+            result = btest.fetch_tool(bintool.FETCH_BIN, col, False)
+        self.assertEqual(bintool.FAIL, result)
+    def test_all_bintools(self):
+        """Test that all bintools can handle all available fetch types"""
+        def handle_download(_):
+            """Take the tools.Download() function by writing a file"""
+            tools.WriteFile(fname, expected)
+            return fname, dirname
+        def fake_run(*cmd):
+            if cmd[0] == 'make':
+                # See Bintool.build_from_git()
+                tmpdir = cmd[2]
+                self.fname = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'pathname')
+                tools.WriteFile(self.fname, b'hello')
+        expected = b'this is a test'
+        dirname = os.path.join(self._indir, 'download_dir')
+        os.mkdir(dirname)
+        fname = os.path.join(dirname, 'downloaded')
+        with unittest.mock.patch.object(tools, 'Run', side_effect=fake_run):
+            with unittest.mock.patch.object(tools, 'Download',
+                                            side_effect=handle_download):
+                with test_util.capture_sys_output() as _:
+                    for name in Bintool.get_tool_list():
+                        btool = Bintool.create(name)
+                        for method in range(bintool.FETCH_COUNT):
+                            result = btool.fetch(method)
+                            self.assertTrue(result is not False)
+                            if result is not True and result is not None:
+                                result_fname, _ = result
+                                self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(result_fname))
+                                data = tools.ReadFile(result_fname)
+                                self.assertEqual(expected, data)
+                                os.remove(result_fname)
+    def test_all_bintool_versions(self):
+        """Test handling of bintool version when it cannot be run"""
+        all_tools = Bintool.get_tool_list()
+        for name in all_tools:
+            btool = Bintool.create(name)
+            with unittest.mock.patch.object(
+                btool, 'run_cmd_result', return_value=command.CommandResult()):
+                self.assertEqual('unknown', btool.version())
+    def test_force_missing(self):
+        btool = Bintool.create('_testing')
+        btool.present = True
+        self.assertTrue(btool.is_present())
+        btool.present = None
+        Bintool.set_missing_list(['_testing'])
+        self.assertFalse(btool.is_present())
+    def test_failed_command(self):
+        """Check that running a command that does not exist returns None"""
+        btool = Bintool.create('_testing')
+        result = btool.run_cmd_result('fred')
+        self.assertIsNone(result)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    unittest.main()
diff --git a/tools/binman/btool/ b/tools/binman/btool/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4005e8a8a5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/binman/btool/
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
+# Copyright 2022 Google LLC
+"""Bintool used for testing
+This is not a real bintool, just one used for testing"""
+from binman import bintool
+# pylint: disable=C0103
+class Bintool_testing(bintool.Bintool):
+    """Bintool used for testing"""
+    def __init__(self, name):
+        super().__init__(name, 'testing')
+        self.present = False
+        self.install = False
+        self.disable = False
+    def is_present(self):
+        if self.present is None:
+            return super().is_present()
+        return self.present
+    def version(self):
+        return '123'
+    def fetch(self, method):
+        if self.disable:
+            return super().fetch(method)
+        if method == bintool.FETCH_BIN:
+            if self.install:
+                return self.apt_install('package')
+            return self.fetch_from_drive('junk')
+        if method == bintool.FETCH_BUILD:
+            return self.build_from_git('url', 'target', 'pathname')
+        return None

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