I've just picked up 2 new clients in the last month and both are using yet
again 2 different 4GL's. One's Gull from Gull resource management in Long
Island and the code is somewhat easy to follow.

The other is called The Programmer's Helper by ScanNet and functions with an
emulator called VeClient. The development module is still around as there's
some generated code dated April 18, 2004.

I don't know anything about this source code generator and am hesitant to
change the resulting source code for fear of the next generator stepping on my

Thus, any clues on where I could find more about the development tools.
ScanNet is on the internet but only for their newer GUI developer stuff. The
Programmer's Helper looks like generated code as opposed to parameter driven

Thanks in advance.

Mark Johnson
u2-users mailing list

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