I recommend against doing that, as it is not in my control. Be patient...
our marketing department will announce its available as soon as it is


LeRoy F. Dreyfuss
Advanced Technical Services - U2 Technology Analyst
IBM U2 Data Management Solutions
Tel: 303-672-1254          Fax: 303-294-4832
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             "Jeff Ritchie"
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
             u>                                                         To
             Sent by:                  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
             [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                          cc
                                       RE: [U2] .Net Provider for Unidata
             06/16/2004 08:45          or Universe

             Please respond to


IBM's .net integration is real soon now. We are talking in terms of a few
weeks, not months.

To speed this up further we should email LeRoy each day asking "is it here


-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Gravagno [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, 17 June 2004 11:07 AM
Subject: RE: [U2] .Net Provider for Unidata or Universe

George Smith wrote:
> As I have told you before I am not interested in Raining Data
> and I for one wish you would stop your touting.

My posting did have a little RD&C and a smiley but since you'd like to
approach this more seriously...

I make my recommendations based on my sense of good business, not idle
touting.  The touting and smiles just decorate my business recommendations,
even though I stand to gain absolutely nothing from the commentary.

With the thousands of postings to this forum George, it's tough to remember
who's p.o'd at who, and who likes or doesn't like a given product.  When I
see a question, I post an answer if I have one.  Going back through my
archive I now see you've lost about 6 months of development time asking the
same question a few times with no suitable answer, and waiting for some
other solution to come by.  In that same time I've seen others in your
position develop and deploy their solutions using the tools that are
available.  The song says "if you can't be with the one you love, honey,
love the one you're with".  In the business world when we don't move fast
enough we lose opportunities, so similarly, it's often best to use the
that are available now rather than waiting for something else.  I don't
what your priorities are, but when I see you've gone so long without a
solution I figured it was time for a reminder so that you could re-weigh
those options for yourself.

FWIW, you don't "need" third-party tools to connect into your MV
environments.  The tools are created and sold to fill a void where
developers don't "want" to develop their own.  There's nothing more magical
or high quality about provided tools than DIY solutions, except that you
don't have to maintain them yourself.  The other side of that coin is that
you _can't_ maintain these other tools on your own, so you may be better
writing your own tools, which may cost much less in the long run than
buying, even if you need to contract someone to write the tools for you.

I think the reason you're waiting for UO.NET is that you've found the other
connectivity libraries to be inadequate, but you're hoping that someone
still provide a free or low-cost alternative.  Many people here hate those
libs and others love them, to each his/her own.  But if IBM can't get the
existing libraries to work for you now, then it's unlikely they're going to
come up with something new that will change that in the near time-frame.
Sure we can hope and trust, but it's going to take IBM time to develop,
beta, and deploy a new library, and then there is the initial bleeding edge
v1.0 honeymoon/pain that developers have to tolerate, so you aren't looking
at a real solution for quite some time yet.

With all this in mind I thought you might be more inclined to try a proven
solution that's available immediately, rather than waiting for ...

Good Luck.
Frequently hating RD and other companies as much as anyone...
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