At 01:14 AM 8/11/2004, you wrote:
Although we aren't using schemas, we too have experienced timing issuues when retrieving data via the UVODBC.
We supply our customers with a 3rd party report writer that connects to Universe via the UVODBC driver.

Most of the time this works fine, but on some queries we have noticed that the query can either take hours or get in to what appears to be a continous loop. When this occurs the server is normally affected by the CPU running at 100% and all other processes on the server suffer as you would expect.
This normally results in us having to dial in to the customer site, kill the process on the Windows side and then log of the Universe user at TCL to free up the server again.

Project I finished up with in March was experiencing this same behavior, occasionally, on some files (no Schemas). Processes had to be killed, also. Switching to OleDB helped speed up processes significantly.

Bob Gerrish - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -------
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