Assembly isn't that bad. I programmed in COBAL and Assembly on GE115s and the assembly language programming was not that hard.

As for Pick Assembler. Never used it. Only was at one site that even had a copy of the Assembler, AlphaMicro.

I way heard that applications written in Pick Assembler ran very fast. Although it was easy to trash the system if you made a single mistake.


At 01:07 PM 11/5/04 -0800, you wrote:
I learned assembly on the IBM 370.  Took two whole years of it.

What a waste of time.......never used it once.

My teacher was an ex IBM employee that used to exclusively write I/O
routines.  Last I heard he had gone insane.  This gives a bit of insight
into the difficulty of that language.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Chuck Mongiovi
Sent: Friday, November 05, 2004 11:42
Subject: RE: [U2] PICK Assembler Language

> Pick *has* an assembly language???!!!

Back when PICK ran native instead of under Unix (or whatever) ..

And some of us even programmed in it ..

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