Unfortunately, the message is stating that the first entry of the wtmp file
(what last command uses in AIX) is Nov 22 14:03.  If you execute a last
without any arguments, you'll see all of the current entries since Nov 22
14:03.  Not much help in your case.  As the date is fairly recent, it looks
like the user accounting may not be activated, and the wtmp file is not
being populated.  If the last command returns no entries, then that's
probably the case, and the last command probably won't be of much help.

If you have a backup of the /var/adm/wtmp file around the time you need, you
could restore it to a temp location, and view it with the last command.  I
forget the syntax, but the man pages for the last command explains it pretty

hth -Phil-

-----Original Message-----
From: Chauhan, Savita [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 2:35 PM
Subject: RE: [U2][UD] - Transaction Processing

I tried 
>>last <login-id>
and returned
wtmp begins      Nov 22 14:03

>>who -m | awk '{ print $6 }'    
did not return anything.

What does above mean and how do I get the IP address of the machine from
where the user logged in on a particular date?

Also, is there a way of know what transaction (UniData) was done by a
user on a particular day?

Thanks all for responding.

Savita Chauhan, 
x:1754 Central Texas College.
Change is the only Constant.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Charlie Rubeor
Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 1:17 PM
Subject: RE: [U2][UD] - Transaction Processing

I'm assuming you are on a unix platform.  If not, go ahead and delete

If you really need to determine where someone was sitting, you will need
know both who and when the requisition was authorized.  Then, you will
to parse through the utmp files.  On hpux, the command is "last -R
<userid>".  On linux, the command is "last <userid>".  Depending on your
setup, that should show you info you need.  I really doubt this will
you, since you specified November 2003.  Most utmp files don't go over

Going forward, there is probably an easier method, but I get this
information by capturing the output from a who command.  If you are
telneting to a windows server, I do not know what the equivalent is.

Depending on the unix flavor, the command could be either "who -mR",
-mx", or even "who -m --login".  Once you capture the output, the ip
will be at the end, usually the sixth field.  You can parse this with
awk if
you need this in a script, or FIELD if you need it in Unibasic.

Please keep in mind, if users do not have secure passwords and/or leave
their desktops unlocked, this will not provide a 100% secure method of
tracking who did what.  

Hope that helps.

-----Original Message-----
From: Chauhan, Savita [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 12:23 PM
Subject: [U2][UD] - Transaction Processing

This question is probably for someone who is a UniData administrator and
system administrator with a little knowledge of Networking.

We have a Requisitions file with on the fields as who authorized person
particular requisition. This field is in an association because several
people have to authorize a requisition.

I want to know from which machine (the IP address) a particular person
authorized a requisition in Nov 2003. Assuming that we use static IP

Can someone please direct me on how to do this? Is there a way I can see
transactions performed by UniData?

Thanks in advance.
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