I have a need to validate a user login without actually having them login.
The reason for this is that a client has a common terminal that is constantly
logged in using a common userid for use by multiple users.
For most system usage this is ok , but for some processes the client wants the
user to 'login' 1st and have their true user id in effect.

I currently have this working via an EXECUTE of the unix command "su userid -c
'exit' "  and looking at the captured output
This works very nicely, I prompt for the userid in basic and pass it to the su
command which prompts for their password.

However a new requirement has come up to use this same type of secondary
authorization but in a non-terminal mode where I am supplied with the
This causes a problem because, as far as I know, there is no way to pipe the
password in to the su command as su treats stdin different than other commands
and passes it on to the new shell rather than looking at it itself.

ie.  these will not work :
        echo password | su userid
        su userid < pwd.txt

PAM looks like one possibile solution but that requires but I was hoping that
maybe there was a stock unix command that I have missed that will let you
validate a user name/password.

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