Clif <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Mon, 20 Dec 2004 21:31:17 -0800

> Full content. A lot of times watching how someone else is
> thinking is more instructive than what they are thinking.

I wholeheartedly agree!  I subscribe only to the digests, in part from
being distracted 100 times a day, but mostly because I can more easily
archive a "thought process" thread.

> For a problem, an answer is enough. To learn how to solve
> a class of problems, watching the process that more
> experienced (or even just different) techs go through is an
> education worth the noise on the channel.

Besides, the last "GOTO" discussion was not just a zealot's campaign -
there were instructive issues raised regarding benchmarking and coding
efficiency, not just syntax.

Now, if people would learn to trim the original disclaimers from their
replies... :->

--Tom Pellitieri
  Century Equipment, Toledo Ohio
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