Will - if you're interested in an HTTP 1.1 real time web server - check out:
I use this with several mv databases. It's great. It resides with the
database. It is a PICK web server. One thing I really like is it's sold
based on bandwidth requirements and it does NOT take up any user licenses.
If you have any questions, just email me offline.

Steve Trimble
Computerized Data Mgmt Inc
(479) 521-5670 

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2005 7:25 PM
To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org
Subject: RE: [U2] Universe to Web interface

Thanks George for responding.  The link appears to "do" something because
A) If I make it a .txt file it brings it up
B) If I make it a .bat file it executes it.  I can make it print "Hello" a
hundred times in a DOS window (then die).

What I can't make it do it seems is RUN a universe subroutine.  But I'm
wondering how it knows how to log into universe?  Surely it's not just an
open portal ?  Maybe I have to setup a Universe account with *no* password
for it to use?  How exactly does that work?
   Alternatively perhaps you have to specify a login and password on the DOS
command line along with the uv executable command ?
Will Johnson

"Will, this may not be related to your issue at hand,

Does the IIS or your software also add:

Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii \n (newline) blank line \n

To the top of your HTML code? or is that the function of something else your
using to push the HTML to IIS?


>-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Friday, February 04, 2005 10:27 PM
>To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org
>Subject: RE: [U2] Universe to Web interface
>OK I did a search on my system for where the UNIRPC32.dll lives and 
>figured out how to add a PATH variable to the .bat file.  So now it 
>doesn't complain about not being able to find the dll but it still 
>doesn't run the universe routine.
>Now I get an error in the event log that says The description for Event 
>ID (1000) cannot be found... [and it ends by saying] Message [DBS0043]
>And then I get another one similar only it uses Event ID 1004 and 
>Message [DBS0036]
>I have no idea what all of that means.
>Maybe I need some way of telling uv how to log me in?
>Like I said this is all new to me.
>"I have never done this before so I'm likely making some horrible 
>I have IIS running and I have a Universe database on top of Windows XP.  
>I have a "Hello" page in HTML with a form and the submit action a name 
>that I have in the same directory as the Hello page is in.
>So the hello page just looks something like this 
>And the test item just looks like
>echo Hello
>which seems to work, although I have it created as a .bat file which is 
>probably not right.
>But when I try to make it run a command like H:\IBM\UV\BIN\UV 
>It complains with a message that UNIRPC32.DLL can't be found in the 
>paths ... and then it lists some paths.
>What is this telling me?  And how do I fix it?
>Will Johnson"
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