
I've seen quite a few examples. All of which work and are free if you have a
Universe license.
UniObjects is part of the UDK installation and a batch file well it's a
batch file.
I've seen atleast 5 examples go by... A couple showing how to use the uvsh
and UniObjects. But if you are going to use ASP,
install the UniDK on the server with IIS or if you know what you are doing
extract the dll and register it on the server. But it sounds to me like you
should just install the kit. Also make sure ASP vbscript is working as well.

If you want to how to get data from a Web Page and pass it to UV then that's
a different story. Not much more detailed from ASP but plenty detailed from
batch. But that's not what you were asking.

Heres a small test ASP application for you that should work out of the box
providing you change the login values.. Save it as index.asp in a directory
accessable by IIS and then call it from a browser. It will allow you to
change the command to anything you like...

  if request.form("uvcommand") <> "" then
     Dim Sess, UVCommand, TheCommand, Text
     TheCommand = request.form("uvcommand")
     response.write "Command : " & TheCommand & "<br>"
     Set Sess = CreateObject("Universe.session.1")
     ' Change the next 4 values
     Sess.HostName = "Machine or IP"
     Sess.UserName = "uv username"
     Sess.AccountPath = "account or account path"
     Sess.Password = "uv user password"
     ' Now connect
     if Sess.error then
     response.write "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE='JavaScript1.1'>"
     response.write "alert('Cannot connect to Database..." & Sess.ERROR &
     response.write "</SCRIPT>"
     response.write "<h1>[" & Sess.hostname & "] - Database Error</h1>"

     response.write "UV Session is active...<br>"
        ' To issue a command
        set UVCommand = Sess.Command
        UVCommand.Text = TheCommand
        ' Now write the response to the page
        Response.Write UVCommand.Response
     end if
  end if

<form action

I hope this helps,

----- Original Message ----- 
To: <u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org>
Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2005 1:30 PM
Subject: Re: [U2] Universe to Web interface

> In a message dated 2/9/2005 5:34:48 AM Pacific Standard Time,
> > I still don't get why you want to use a BAT file to do this at all.
> > IF you're using IIS, you should really be using ASP.
> I don't.
> Here is what I want "From a web page, click on something, which in ANY
> fashion reaches into Universe and displays the results on that web page."
> Focusing on the ANY fashion, any way, any how, any method,  with example
> please so I don't go insane trying to follow the hand-waving.  And
> I'm looking for the absolutely simplest manner of doing this.  And the
> way too ... btw.
> PS thanks for those of you who sent various examples of doing this.
> Will
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