Brian wrote: "RedBack will be straight forward. If not, the main thing is to 
find some training that covers as many
of those bases as possible. RedBack is NOT difficult - none of these 
technologies are and you don't have to be an expert in any of them "

The problem here is that IBM is behind a tool that happens to be the most 
difficult one of the breed to work with imho !
   And possible the most expensive as well.  Of course it may be the "best" at 
certain things.
   But those of us who want to "get out business on the web" don't necessarily 
want to spend three weeks in training and another nine months figuring out how 
to use it.  Mostly we just want to start using it.
   So to my mind, that's a real problem.  As a programmer, using ASP without 
Redback at all, I'm at least able to start getting interaction from U2 to and 
from the web and can learn as I go.  And so far it hasn't cost me anything.
Will Johnson
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