Will Johnson postulated:

>This would imply that not only would the run-time engine have 
>to maintain a pointer to the last cell referenced, but also 
>it would have to maintain a register telling it the cell 
>number of this cell (not just its offset).  So it needs two 
>variables.  I've never heard that it actually uses two 
>variables to accomplish this.

Yes, Will. There are two variables. The descriptor definition found in
$UVHOME/gcidir/include/DATUM.h states:

struct  Dstring
{                       /* This are my comments. GI */ 
   STRING  str;         /* This is the entire dynamic array. */ 
   int     lastfield;   /* This is the last field accessed. */ 
   uchar   *lastfptr;   /* This is a pointer into str.text */
                        /* where the last field field accessed */
                        /* begins. */ 

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