We use functions heavily - having an include for each project
with up an over a hundred deffun's -  and I only have two
issues/complaints with them.

First the need to have deffuns
and second, the spurious warning messages we get at compile
time for  internal returns not having a return value .

I mean they don't return anything and IMNSHO shouldn't
have one. ( We use return (dum) as a workaround )

-- mats

Mark Johnson wrote:


This causes me to think of the complement to subs and that is functions.
Functions are quite useful in VB (et al) yet don't show up at all in legacy
code and don't get that much airtime here on this forum. I've only ran into
them once on UD when hooking into Redback. Every time I write a SUB that
really is a function in purpose, I tend to name it GET.PRICE or GET.USER or

So are functions a kept secret in MV programming or has no-one had any
issues with them? I'd like to know so I could either get better with them or
ignore them and continue with subs.
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