I use the method my dad taught me when I was a kid, cuz I couldn't
remember "Thiry days hath September...".

Hold 2 fists side-by-side, forefingers of right & left hand touching.
Each knuckle and each valley between knuckles represents a month.
Start at the left pinky knuckle and count off months.
If a month lands on a knuckle, it has 31 days.
If it lands on a valley, it has 30 days. (Except February has that 28/29
thing going on.)

   _   _   _   _  _   _   _   _  
  /J\_/M\_/M\_/J\/A\_/O\_/D\_/ \ 
  |  F   A   J  ||  S   N      | 
  |             ||             | 
  |             ||             | 
  \             / \            / 
   \           /   \          /  
    |  left   |     | right  |   
    |  fist   |     |  fist  |   
          view from top

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