What are these timing tests?
They kinda look like the tool PI has.  I can almost remember the name of
it now, but it was so long ago.
Is this a tool we users can run or is this something internal at IBM?
If internal, do you have a complete set of comparative speeds for the
various operations & functions available in UV-Basic?

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Baldridge

The original request was for a shortest code fragment.  This likely
meant as line count, but could have been execution time.

I am using UniVerse 10.1.3 on a 1.7 GHz pentium.  Here are some current
timings.  Except for test 0001 which is an empty FOR NEXT loop, to the
left of the "|" is a hint of the initialization, and to the right is a
hint of the code under test.

An interesting result is that it is faster to assign SPACE(2) than to a
variable than assigning a 1 or 10 character string in a variable to
another variable.

The basic takeaway is that use of ICONV and OCONV should be minimized if
you optimize for time.

Test Loop Core...................... (uSec) per

0001 FOR/NEXT | (EMPTY)                   0.081
0005 A=0                                  0.037
0012 |A=1+1                               0.034
0050 IF (B) THEN    -WIDE.IF              0.025
0051 IF (B) THEN     WIDE.IF              0.031
0072 A=2;B=2|C=A*B                        0.033
0201 A=   10x|B=A[1,1]                    0.303
0221 A=SPACE(2)|A=SPACE(2)                0.283
0231 A:='12345':@VM...|B=A[char(253)      0.457
0338 A='11111'|B=OCONV(A,"D4/")           2.503
0352 A='11111'|B=OCONV(A,"D4-YMD[4,2      2.821
0353 A='11111'|B=OCONV(A,"D4/");[7,4      3.986
0365 A=2;B=2|C=A/B                        0.042
0369 A=2|B=INT(A)                         0.293
0370 A=2.2|B=INT(A)                       0.294
0371 A=2000|B=MOD(A,4)                    0.236
0372 A=2001|B=MOD(A,4)                    0.238
0374 A=SPACE(    1)|B=A                   0.321
0375 A=SPACE(   10)|B=A                   0.323
0376 A=SPACE(  100)|B=A                   0.369
0377 A=SPACE( 1000)|B=A                   0.559
0378 A=SPACE(10000)|B=A                   1.727
0385 A='20040825'|B=ICONV(A,"D4")         0.879
0386 A='13387'|B=OCONV(A,"D4")            2.796
0387 A=13387|B=OCONV(A,"D4")              3.186

Mark A. Baldridge
Principal Consultant
North American Lab Services
DB2 and U2 Information Management, IBM Software Group
(508) 524-5666
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