> <snip>
> > (Why else is COUNT(VAR,@FM)+(VAR NE "") syntax so popular?)
> <snip>
> Because there is a real difference between COUNT and DCOUNT. COUNT counts
> the number of delimiters and DCOUNT counts the number of elements being
> delimited. Sort of backwards but accurate.
> Thus A="mark" would have COUNT(A,@VM) have a value of 0 while DCOUNT(A,@VM)
> would be 1. DCOUNT on null string returns 0. Nice.
> The addition of the +(VAR NE "") adds the needed '1' to whatever COUNT
> produced.

You seem to have missed the point ... to quote a previous post of yours

> REMOVE is not universally available on all MV platforms. DCOUNT is. Read my
> earlier post.

All I was asking was "why was the COUNT version popular if DCOUNT was 
available"? That's the point - it WASN'T available.

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