Thanks all for your help.

I got this from someone else and it might just interest all you running
Crystal Reports.

U2 SSL Stops Crystal Reports from Printing

The U2 implementation of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) uses a DLL that causes
problems with older versions of Crystal Reports. The Crystal Reports program
stops running during printout when this DLL is in the system32 directory.
The DLL is u2libeay32.dll. It is located by default in the system32
directory as installed by U2 clients and terminal emulators. 

The problem is that Crystal Reports scans for all DLLs that start with "u2l"
and considers them to be "user function libraries." Originally when Crystal
Reports was a 16-bit program, it checked for user functions in all libraries
starting with "ufl". When Crystal Reports was rewritten as a 32-bit program,
it needed a different naming convention and used "u2l". 

u2libeay32.dll is the only U2 DLL in conflict with Crystal Reports. The
problem does not occur with other DLLs that do not have an "l" after "u2". 

The workaround is to delete or move u2libeay32.dll from the system 32
directory and update the system path to point to the new location of
u2libeay32.dll, depending on the client used: 

UniVerse and UniData Clients 
Include the following in the system path: 

Include the following in the system path: 
C:\Program Files\IBM\SBClient\tu\BIN 

Move the u2libeay32.dll from system32 to the following location and include
it in the system path: 
C:\Program Files\wIntegrate 

Note: U2 clients and SBClient have a second copy of the u2libeay32.dll in
the directory mentioned above. wIntegrate does not have a second copy, and
the DLL must be moved to the wIntegrate install directory. 

To update the system path on Windows: 

1. Open the Control Panel. 
2. Double-click System. 
3. In the System Properties dialog box, select the Advanced tab. 
4. Click the Environment Variables button. 
5. In the System variables box, click the Path variable line to select it. 
6. Click the Edit button. 
7. In the Variable Value box, place the cursor at the end of the line and
insert the full path for the directory containing the u2libeay32.dll,
beginning with a semicolon (;). 
8. Click OK to save your changes in the Edit System Variable dialog box. 
Click OK to save your changes in the Environment Variables dialog box. 
Click OK again to save your changes and close the System Properties dialog

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