reinstalling is simple. If you have your $UDTHOME directory - just tar down
the tape and run updatesys
builds a default udtconfig. May need to be tuned for your user count, etc

Wally Terhune
Manager - U2 Advanced Technical Services
IBM Information Management Solutions
Tel: 303.294.4866             Fax: 303.294.4832

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             "Dana Baron"
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             08/13/2005 06:17          [U2] Help!

             Please respond to

Hi folks,

Here's your worst nightmare come true: your production system crashes with
bad system disk. You find that the backups you've been doing every day
backup the system, only the data. Now you have to get up and running -
Well, that's where I'm sitting right now. I think I'm going to need some
help from UniData, but it may be hard to reach them on a Saturday so I
thought I'd try the list. Here's what I have:

There is a new hard disk in the system.
I'm installing a clean OS (Tru64 Unix) right now.
The data, including most of the Unidata install, is on a disk array and
appears to be safe for now.
After the OS install finishes, I need to get UniData up and running.

One component I will be missing is the stuff in /usr/ud511, which includes

Anything else I might need? Anyone know where I can get a good udtconfig
this? I have the UniData CD, but I don't want to re-install this unless I
have to.

Thanks in advance.

I am a most embarrassed...
Dana Baron
System Manager
Smugglers' Notch Resort
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