From: "James F Thompson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Take a look at Informer
We are still in the process of development, but it is very impressive.

Add another vote for Informer. And not _just_ because it's a Struts-based webapp. ;)

We're still sorting through our out-of-control dictionaries to decide what I-Descriptors to use with Informer, but so far it's shaping up to be very nice.

And support has been exceptional, even when I wanted to toss their authentication/authorization mechanism and insert a custom JAASRealm to work with the campus Kerberos server. While I'd much prefer to see the source code, they were at least willing to give me enough information about the inner workings so that I could be confident my code would work without breaking any of theirs.

Wendy Smoak -------
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