Rats, that was my best guess - unless it's some kind of "domain" type
issue. (I don't give up easy do I?)

Which version of the driver are you using? There were different drivers
with the 6.0a and 6.0b client CD's, I might have even gotten a patched
one from IBM.

I always use the System DSN. I think there was a reason for it - but it
escapes me now.


>-----Original Message-----
>From: Kevin King
>I forgot to mention that I'm using the same user ID on both 
>systems, so it would seem that it's not the privilege file.  
>Also, the fact that the errors get returned immediately - as 
>if it doesn't even make an effort to connect - makes me think 
>something is amiss with the driver.
>There should be no difference installing as a User DSN vs. 
>System DSN, right?
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