George Gallen wrote:
> Is there an easy way to "automate" Excel to load the .csv,
>   then save as .xls?
> Or how much more difficult is it to create the .xls
>    instead of a .csv?

This can be done with VBA scripting or with some code and Visual Studio
Tools for Office.  VSTO has a benefit that it allows Office apps to be used
effectively as servers, without worrying about UI issues.  That has always
been a serious concern because some dialog could popup from an automated
process and wait for a user response - not good for an unattended or
background process.  So it's much easier now to develop utilities as you
describe that manipulate Word or Excel documents from a command line or in
a Windows Service than it used to be.

As to how to do this... There are thousands of web resources available for
this sort of thing, code samples, HowTo's, and products of various cost and
complexity.  I can write a Windows Service that will watch a directory and
convert any csv written there into an xls.  If you need it done, this is
the sort of code I write for a living.

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