James Cowell wrote on 02/01/2006 11:16:36 AM:

> Sorry if this is a bit thick, I'm a UV guy rather than a UD guy. 
> But when you said "I've tried changing split/merge loads from the 
> default of 60/40 to 20/10" wouldn't that make the file much bigger?
> I don't know if UD works differently but in UV this would mean a new
> group was created every time the actual file load hit 20%.... so 
> setting it to 20/10 in UV I'd expect the file to be about 5x bigger 
> than the amount of data in it...

As you suspect, there is a difference between the way UDT and UV handle 
this. Or more specifically, UniData offers an option not available in 
UniVerse.  When you create or configure a dynamic file, you can instruct 
it to use either KEYDATA or KEYONLY determination.  KEYDATA acts the same 
way as UniVerse in that the size of both the key and the data are used in 
determining whether to split or merge.  If you use KEYONLY, only the size 
of the keys is used to make the decision.  UniData stores the keys and 
pointers at the beginning of a group, and the records are stored at the 
end.  If you use KEYONLY with a high split load, you could end up with 
only keys in the physical block, with all of the records in other blocks. 
A low split load with KEYONLY will cause it to keep the records more local 
to their corresponding keys.

Tim Snyder
Consulting I/T Specialist , U2 Professional Services
North American Lab Services
DB2 Information Management, IBM Software Group
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