I once wrote a "wraparound" to the savelist commands which datestamps 
the lists on creation and use.  Also allows the user to flag a savelist 
as one that should not be overwritten or deleted.  A purge program 
allows them to purge out savelists that are no longer necessary or 
haven't been accessed in a given period of time.  Really helps keep the 
items in that file down.  But, like Jeff Butera said, colleges 
especially might need to keep lists around for a while and this really 
helped some of our schools manage that.

Jeffrey Butera wrote:

>On Monday 06 February 2006 09:51, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>>I wrote a small routine that will go through Savedlists, HOLD files,
>>>ST.PPROCES records, etc. and selectively delete the records that are no
>>>longer needed but I have been stopped by my VP.
>>>She wants justification for the process.  I don't have the knowledge to
>>>be able to give her what she wants.  I've tried the following arguments
>>>with no luck:
>>>Savedlists can be outdated as soon as they are created.
>>>Taking up too much server room.
>>Savedlists should never be re-used. By their very nature they are
>The above statement is application specific and not always true, particularly 
>colleges running Unidata (Datatel).
>Yes, we do purge _HOLD_ and other things out but savedlists are generally 
>held.  Many institutions (for research purposes) may used savedlists for 
>cohort tracking across many semesters or years.  In these situations you 
>*cannot* recreate the savedlist everytime as you have to ensure the group you 
>initially select is the same group used months/years later - savedlists give 
>you an easy method to acheive this (whereas the various data fields you may 
>query against are constantly changing).
>With the myraid of reports colleges need (both internal and federally mandated 
>IPEDS, etc) savedlists provide an extremely useful tool.
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