As a founding father(?) I have to point out that the U2-Users list, U2-Community list, SBSolutions list, and RBSolutions lists aren't exactly part of the U2UG. Here's the real facts, just so all are clear:

Mike O'Rear ran the list for eight years, on his dime and with his time. When he got tired, the list passed to Clif Oliver. Clif ran it for nine years. Clif offered the lists (Users & Community) to the U2UG to oversee. We don't *own* them, we mind the store on behalf of everyone. For the U2UG to run the lists, we needed help. Fortunately, Larry Hiscock stepped up. SBSolutions started with Kevin King. He, like Clif, entrusted us to mind the store. RBSolutions started with Scott Rau. When Scott's work situation changed, he asked us to mind the store. Larry hosts both of these lists as well.

The U2UG doesn't own any of these lists. We are the chosen caretakers. Having said all that, there is a move within the board to form a 'what next' committee. It is possible that what's next will be identical to 'what's now' but it may well go in other directions. Just remember that Larry and I moderate the lists as a volunteer activity. *Separately* from that I also happen to be on the U2UG board - also volunteer. We will do the best we can with the time and tools available. The lists are free (as in liberty) and free (as in beer). Hosting and managing them is free (as in free of payment). So long as it is appreciated, I don't mind putting in the time and I *want* your feedback. this topic started because *I* asked. So, let's keep a good face on it and see if we can't guide the list through another few decades of productive use.

    - Chuck "History Books" Barouch

Dave Tabor wrote:

Referring to the U2UG Charter:

Bullet #7 --> "To provide a forum for the promotion of excellence in information 
processing through recognition of individuals who exemplify the best in our profession in 
their work utilizing the U2 product line."
My thoughts:  It would seem to me that the promotion of excellence will not 
happen, when the provided 'excellence' is in the form of replies to specific 
users (Reply-To), and remains hidden from the rest of the group (Reply-To-All).

--- also ---

Bullet #8 --> "To promote the exchange of technical information among U2 users."
In my opinion, the exchange of technical information is being exchanged via roadblocks and hidden alleys.
--- In conclusion ---

I've gotten a lot of great ideas from this list, and am saddened at the fact 
that I (along with many other newbies) won't see a lot of those, due to people 
with busy schedules forgetting to click the right button.  CHANGE IT BACK, 

--- Questions for the moderators/board ---

1)  Did our 'founding fathers' really want it run the way it is currently being 
2)  Shouldn't the current format require the board to do a U2UG Charter rewrite?

Thanks for allowing the thoughts of someone who actually learns from the posts 
on this list!
- Dave
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        - Charles Barouch
        (718) 762-3884 x 1
P. O. Box 540957, Linden Hill, NY 11354-0957
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