Bill Brutzman wrote:
> We here need a new religion for GUI apps.  Right now we are
> green-screen with mostly Dynamic Connect and a little wIntegrate.
> Because our back-end is HP-Ux, and .Net apps are not supported on a
> Unix drive, a Microsoft solution is not viable.

Have a gander at a blog article I wrote on the topic of "Linux and .NET":
It's about half-way down the page.

> We would not want an intermediary Microsoft server (which could fail)
> between PC clients and host.

I won't contest your choices but I think it's funny that you're not
selecting a Microsoft server because it might fail.  In my experience any
box is subject to fail regardless of the OS, chips, or anything else in it.

> Thus, Java.  While Swing is tempting, Swing is "rich" without
> "reach".  We do not want to have to someday re-write Swing apps to be
> browser compatible for remote access.
> While I am encouraged by DE, RedBack, SB+, Adobe-Flex, and an
> abundance of third-party tools, for us these products are pricey.

Are you considering the session pooling aspects of these products?
Depending on how you write your app you can get as good as 100 users to one
license or as "not so good" as one user per license.  And these "pricey"
products?  In very rough numbers for some of these you can purchase for
anywhere from $150 to $300 per user license, and with yearly support fees
of about $50-60.  Have a look at another blog entry to help determine how
many licenses you might really need, and that might prompt some new
discussion about just how pricey tools might be:  It's the same page as
above, article titled "How many licenses do I need?"

> The pack seems to be narrowing to u2Logic and JSF.

I saw a posting yesterday that XLr8 for Eclipse was free.  Then I read on
their website that it's "free to XLr8 users under current maintenance
agreements."  As I understand it XLr8 runs over RedBack.  So buying XLr8
means buying RedBack plus the development tool plus session licenses - if
you're concerned about pricey you really need to take another look at the
numbers for the various products in this industry.

Per the u2Logic web page, "XLr8 runs on Microsoft's IIS (Ver. 5 or 6) using
ASP programs for the front end" but that conflicts with your pre-requisite
for not running on a Microsoft server.  DesignBais uses the exact same
technology, costs less for the base product, and doesn't need the
additional (pricey) RedBack to provide session management.  If any of these
points are causing you to reconsider your options, please feel free to drop
me a note and we can talk about what's available in this market and how
various products may or may not suit your needs.

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