We are running UniVerse 10.1.7 and use indexing on a number of files.=0D=0A
Randomly on one of the files we keep loosing the index on the same=0D=0A
field, PHYS.PALLET.ID.=0D=0A
Index name      Type  Build    Nulls  In DICT  S/M  Just Unique Field=0D=0A
PHYS.PALLET.ID   D    Not Reqd  No     Yes      S    L     N    6=0D=0A
TRUCK.ID         D    Not Reqd  No     Yes      S    L     N    8=0D=0A
ORDER.NO         D    Not Reqd  No     Yes      M    R     N    1=0D=0A
WAYBILL.UMC      D    Not Reqd  No     Yes      S    R     N    9=0D=0A
WAYBILL          D    Not Reqd  No     Yes      S    L     N    14=0D=0A
So SELECTINDEX fails, has anyone experienced similar problems. The data=0D=
in the fields is always of the form 4A4N and there is a one to one=0D=0A
relationship between the field and the primary key.=0D=0A
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