At 20:59 -0500 2006/08/01, David Wolverton wrote:
So we have tens, and hundreds of records (and have to think about thousands)
in the different status 'buckets' and can grab those instantly via a SELECT
- and that is great and works like a champ -- except that we are also
carrying an index for COMPLETE which is just enormous (and essentially
useless) - every record in the file except for the currently active is
stamped COMPLETE.

We would never have a reason to 'look' at all complete records via this
index, as to do so would be almost the entire file. So if we did not have
this index, I don't see that it would be a problem.

How often is the information in the COMPLETE records needed?
Will a COMPLETE record ever be changed to another status?
How often will you need to mix data from COMPLETE records and records with other statuses?

If a COMPLETE record is "essentially useless" (except for historical purposes), I'd consider moving records out of POTENTIALLY_HUGE_FILE and into POTENTIALLY_HUGE_FILE_ARCHIVE as soon as they're COMPLETE.

That solves the index problem and keeps the working file smaller and/or less full.


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