
If you look at the properties of your outlook email (the one that worked
properly), you will see this text "MIME-Version: 1.0" Content-Type:
multipart/mixed...... "This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ". You
need to echo this text, see below: The key is "multipart/"

Hope this helps,

CMD = ''
CMD<-1> = 't="':EMAIL:'"'
CMD<-1> = 'f=""'
CMD<-1> = 'F="The IBM"'
CMD<-1> = 'a="/tmp/':TNAME:'"'
CMD<-1> = 'A="':TNAME:'.txt"'
CMD<-1> = 's="Emailing: ${A}"'
CMD<-1> = 'p=`perl -e ':SQ:'printf "_NextPart_%03D_%04D_%08X.%08X",'
CMD<-1> = '   rand(1000), rand(10000),time(),time()+10000':SQ:'`'
CMD<-1> = '('
CMD<-1> = 'echo "Return-path: <${f}>"'
CMD<-1> = 'echo "From: \"${F}\" <${f}>"'
CMD<-1> = 'echo "To: \"${t}\""'____________________________________________
CMD<-1> = 'echo "Subject: ${s}"'
CMD<-1> = 'echo "MIME-Version: 1.0"'
CMD<-1> = 'echo "Content-Type: multipart/mixed':SEMI:'\n\tboundary=\"----=$
CMD<-1> = 'echo "This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\n------=${p}"
CMD<-1> = 'echo "Content-Type: text/plain':SEMI:'\n\tcharset=\"iso-8859-1\"
CMD<-1> = 'echo "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n"'
*!*CMD<-1> = 'if [ ! -z "${b}" ]'
*!*CMD<-1> = 'then'
*!*CMD<-1> = '  cat "${b}"'
*!*CMD<-1> = 'fi'
CMD<-1> = 'if [ ! -z "${a}" ]'
CMD<-1> = 'then'
CMD<-1> = '  echo "------=${p}"'

CMD<-1> = '  echo "Content-Type: octet-stream':SEMI:'\n\tname=\"${A}.gz\""'
CMD<-1> = '  echo "Content-Disposition: attachment':SEMI:'\n\tfilename=\"${
CMD<-1> = '  echo "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n"'
CMD<-1> = '  cat "${a}" | /tcpprint/crnl | gzip |'
CMD<-1> = '    perl -MMIME::Base64 -0777 -ne ':SQ:'print encode_base64($_)'
CMD<-1> = 'fi'
CMD<-1> = 'echo "------=${p}--"'
CMD<-1> = ') | /usr/sbin/sendmail ':SENDMAIL.OPTS:' "${t}"'

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Anthony Dzikiewicz
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 10:57 AM
Subject: [U2] OT: Email Attachment Universe Linux

Hey guys,

We have a program that distributes information via various methods.  One
of which is to email the file as a PDF.  So, one of our users was on AOL
and then switched to Cox.  They read their email via the cox webmail
site on a browser.  The problem is that the attachment is coming over as
part of the message now and not as an attachment.  However, if they use
outlook as the email client, then the file is presented as an
attachment.  So, webmail client is doing something different than
outlook.  If I send an attachment to the person using outlook on my PC,
then the attachment comes thru as an attachment on the webmail client.

So, I think the problem is the way I am sending the email / attachment.
I am using the following;

uuencode MYFILE.PDF MYFILE.PDF | mail -s MYFILE.PDF -n

This is being done on a Linux machine and we are shelling out of
Universe to issue the command.  Any suggestions on how to make it better


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