I had such an occurrence where someone was creating an additional data-level
file on an existing dict/data file set. So he typed:


assuming that the 1,1 pertained to the dict and the 10000,1 applied to the
new datalevel that they were creating. The 10000,1 was ignored

While D3 and native systems reply with the base and mod frame numbers of the
new file, it wasn't read by the programmer. But when the new datalevel file
was put into production, the client called in a few weeks as it got
hammered. There was some egg on the face of that programmer, especially
reviewing the TCL-STACK file (big brother) for the typed command.

Mark Johnson
----- Original Message -----
To: <u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org>
Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2006 11:51 AM
Subject: RE: Re: [U2] VOCLIB and keeping VOC entries Short and Small, IM &

> Mark
>  >Today's numbers are downright staggering in the MV world.
> A couple of weeks ago I had to repair a failed RedBack implementation.
> The garbage collection wasn't running, and so their state file had grown
to being a mere 15,000 times undersized.
> Strangely enough, this eventually led to corruption and decay. But it must
have been running a long while before it did.
> and, yes, I left the tuning manual and garbage collection instructions on
the guy's desk.
> <grin>
> Brian
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