Mark Johnson wrote:
> In 1978 ... I recall him reviewing a FOR...NEXT loop that had the FOR
part in one
> frame and the NEXT part in another and he was spending time trying to
> put compilable code (not comments) in front of the FOR section in the
> hope that the both the FOR and NEXT were in the same frame. This may
> have had the moniker "Frame Faulting". Mainframes called this a Core
> Dump.

I'm not sure how much the following applies to U2 environments anymore but
I'd be interested if someone compared the info below to how U2 works now
and in the past.

The term Frame Faulting refers to the process where the DBMS is scanning
for data and it encounters an end of frame before the end of the data it
needs.  So it looks at the frame forward link, performs a frame read,
attaches the resulting data to the buffer in memory, then it goes back to
scanning.  It's a time consuming process that is best avoided where
possible, and that's why we all fight so hard to keep data out of overflow.

Pursuant to this discussion, if you have a Mod 1 file and need to
constantly frame fault just looking for item IDs, you're putting an
unnecessary burden on the environment.  Doesn't the same thing happen when
the Mod is larger?  No and yes.  Data is physically read from disk in
chunks.  Over the years the frame size in MV environments has closely
followed the physical disk read size (an even disk sector in most cases),
which is why we've seen an evolution from 512 to 1024, 2048, etc.  Disk
drives (and utilization of memory cache and intelligent read-ahead
software) are always far ahead of MV, and in a single read they'll read an
entire track of several contiguous sectors (contiguous frames) so that the
next sequential frames (primary frame of the next group) has probably
already been read into memory by the time the database decides that it has
finished with one group and it needs the next one.  These days that
technology is so far ahead of MV that selective placement of data on disk
just isn't worth the time.  There is so much data in memory, and disk
drives allocate and reallocate data based on errors detected and many other
factors - we can't predict like we used to exactly where the heads are
going to find our data.

> Perhaps his age at the time (50?) indicated a respect for the
> incredibly precious resources that he was used to and the disciplines
> that he had to adhere to. In the last 28 years of my MV programming I
> have never recalled having to be so anal as to perform such a
> lower-level observation for such an unmeasurable improvement.

Just for reference, back in the 80's I also used to do that sort of thing
on R83, GA, Microdata, Ultimate, and maybe ADDS or other platforms.  But
when Pick started running on a host OS, all bets were off as some other
kernel or hardware disk controller was now in control of disk access.  The
requirement for doing this was less for performance and more because from
one release to the next, the DBMS environments would have problems frame
faulting for object code, procs, MD entries, etc..

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