Just now reading u2 list from last couple weeks. 

> From: Ray Wurlod
> Sent: Monday, October 16, 2006 7:52 PM
> ...dictionaries....   you can move 
> I-descriptors to some other file, and reference them via "R" 
> (remote) types.  I can't find it documented, ...

I've also done that when I've needed the same calculation in multiple
dictionaries, but wanted to maintain it in one place.  Call it Code
You might need to be careful when recompiling dictionaries, though.
Benton doesn't like VOC R-items if the file referenced in line 2 is a
Q-pointer.  Needs to be an F-pointer.  Maybe that's corrected in a
version later than mine.
I remember as a kid, first encountering "(sic)" in a newspaper, where
the paper was quoting someone's poor grammar.  I thought it was an
editorial comment by the reporter saying he was disgusted by the poor
grammar, meaning "that's just sick!"
e.g. = exempli gratia (Latin), for the sake of example.
i.e. = id est (Latin), that is.
I often see people mistakenly use those two interchangeable. Mnemonic
device: think "Egzample".
The two periods are proper; i.e., do not write "eg." or "ie.".
I had never heard "backronym" before.  I like it.
And we all know the difference between acronyms and abbreviations, don't
(All this from a guy who routinely posts spelling errors!)

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